Municipal Court

Municipal Court Judge

The Municipal Court Judge is only available during court session time. If you wish to speak with the Judge concerning your case, you must appear in court. Any contact with a Judge or by a Judge, concerning the merits of a pending case or proceeding, outside the presence of all parties or their representatives, is considered “EX Parte” communication.

Administrative Staff

The Municipal Court Clerks are available at the Court Office and may be contacted by telephone at (956) 233-9200. The clerks are available to answer questions that you have in reference to your citation or arrest. However, court phones are turned off while court is in session which will delay their ability to assist you. The Municipal Court staff does not answer legal questions of any nature. The clerks are allowed to explain court proceedings and procedures only. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney.

Gene Daniels
Municipal Judge
LT. Javier Garcia
Bailiff/Warrant Officer
956-233-9200 ext. 1303
Esmer Macias
Municipal Court Clerk
956-233-9200 ext. 1300
Ermalinda Galindo
Deputy Court Clerk
956-233-9200 ext. 1301