520 E. Ocean Blvd
Los Fresnos, TX 78566
Telephone: (956) 233-5768
Fax: (956) 233-9879
Contact Us
Request for Proposals-Engineering Services for Wastewater Discharge Reuse Project
The City of Los Fresnos is requesting sealed proposals for: Engineering Services for Wastewater Discharge Reuse Project
Request for Proposals may be obtained at City Hall, located at 520 E Ocean Blvd, Los Fresnos, TX. 78566.
Detail information about the RFP may be obtained from Mark W. Milum, City Manager by calling (956) 233-5768 or on the city website www.cityoflosfresnos.com
Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of City Manager until 2:00 p.m. on April 25, 2024. Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud on the same date they are due.
Sealed envelope for the Proposal should be addressed as follows:
Engineering Services for Wastewater Discharge Reuse Project
Mark W. Milum, City Manager
City of Los Fresnos
520 E Ocean Blvd
Los Fresnos, TX 78566
The City of Los Fresnos reserves the right to accept and/or reject any or all proposals submitted and to request additional information.